Monday, July 2, 2007


I decided to start this blog and talk a little bit today about Carmel-by-the-Sea on the central California coast. My husband has a much longer history here than I...his dad was stationed at Fr. Ord and the family lived in a tent in Pacific Grove (8 miles). In the early 70's my husband, Bud, was a Lt. in the Navy and assigned to do graduate work at the Naval Postgraduate School. What a GREAT assignment that, fly once a week and never wear a uniform. I absolutely fell in love with the entire area...Monterey, Carmel, Pacific Grove. Marina, Seaside and Big Sur. Bud got his Master's Degree in two years and I stayed for a third while he went to sea duty. I had my second chile here at Ft. Ord in 1972.

Carmel has changed a lot since the 70's. As a matter of fact, when we first arrived I asked a realtor about finding a place to live. I will never forget what she said to me. "Honey, Carmel is just a slum with trees". Today Carmel is a most beautiful little seaside village reminiscent of nothern Europe. The old artists' abodes have been torn down and beautiful homes have replaced them. Quaint shops line Ocean Avenue, the town hosts the annual Bach festival and I must remember that Clint Eastwood was once the mayor and still lives in the area and can often be found at his Mission Ranch Inn.

Carmel is a wonderful place to visit and I only wish that we could become members of the community. Alas, our home is the Mojave Desert is waiting for us. About that...later!